My personal thanks to you, [URLParam param='fname']

"My heart turns to you and all that you have done and all that you have given in 2021."

This is the time of year many of us pause to reflect on the things in life we are thankful for. It’s a season of gratitude, and I just wanted to take a moment as president of Affirmation and share my personal thanks to you for being a part of the lifesaving and life enriching work of connecting and supporting LGBTQIA+ people and their families as they navigate their spirituality, faith, and social connections.

During this season, my heart is especially tender towards those who have worked side-by-side with me to help Affirmation in 2021 achieve its vision to be a refuge to land, heal, share, and be authentic.

To our volunteer leaders, professional staff, and financial donors: I see you and recognize you, your dedication, and your contributions.

You have held together our communities with creativity and personal care when it was not safe to meet in person during the COVID pandemic.

As 2021 moved along, we not only continued connecting with one another virtually, but we were able to begin limited in-person gatherings in the United States, Spain, Venezuela, and Mexico just to name a few.

One of the highlights was our 2021 International Conference that reached a historic number of attendees participating from 26 different countries around the world.

So, during this season of thanks, my heart turns to you and all that you have done and all that you have given in 2021.

Affirmation is in a solid position to take what we have learned from our successes these past two pandemic years and rise this next year from our virtual spaces to once again meet together in person and reach all who are reaching for us.

Thank you,

Nathan R. Kitchen
Affirmation: LGBTQ Mormons, Families & Friends